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The advantages and main uses of chipboard

Views: 0     Author: Aurora     Publish Time: 2023-12-01      Origin: Site

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Chipboard is also called particle board, all kinds of branch buds, small wood, fast-growing wood, wood chips and other cutting into a certain specification of debris, after drying, mixed with rubber, hardener, water repellent, etc., under a certain temperature and pressure to make a wood-based board, particles arranged uneven. Because the particleboard structure is more uniform, the processing performance is good, it can be processed into a large sheet according to the need, and it is the best raw material for making different specifications and styles of furniture. Finished particle board does not need to be dried again, can be used directly, sound absorption and sound insulation performance is also good.


Shanghai QINGE Chipboard application:

1. Furniture making:

Chipboard is a common furniture board, with high strength, light weight, good stability and other characteristics, suitable for making a variety of furniture, such as wardrobes, desks, beds and so on.

2. Architectural decoration:

Chipboard can be used for indoor wall decoration, floor sound insulation, ceiling, door core board, etc., has a good decorative effect, and can improve the indoor environment.

3. Packaging materials:

Particleboard can also be used for packaging materials, such as lightweight packaging boxes, pallets, wood strips, etc., and its structure is strong and can effectively protect the packaging.



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